Here are some Frequently Asked Questions for vegan begginer:
A vegan is someone who avoids anything that involves animal products.
Meat, dairy, eggs, and basically anything that comes from an animal, like honey and silk.
The production of both meat and meat products cause animals to die early and suffer throughout their lives. All animals are capable of feeling pain just like you and me.
No, veganism means that you avoid animal products in every part of your life. For example, most vegans don’t wear clothes that are made from the parts of animals or use cosmetics that are tested on animals.
No. Fish feel pain just like other animals do and deserve just as many rights.
No. People that eat vegan food for dietary reasons normally say they are on a plant-based diet instead of calling themselves vegans.
Yes! Vegan diets are higher in dietary fiber and contain lots of healthy minerals and vitamins. They are also lower in saturated fats and cholesterol.
Yes. There are tons of vegan candies and desserts.
Maybe. Most vegans are recommended to take a B12 supplement if they aren’t specially seeking out B12 fortified foods.
No. There are lots of vegetables filled with it.
A diet full of beans and legumes is protein rich and you shouldn’t have to worry.
Yes. There are plenty of vegan bodybuilders and athletes at the top of their fields.
Sometimes. Changing one’s diet is a hard thing to do and many people recommend that you make the switch gradually.
It’s important to think about the animals. Get right back on track. Treat yourself to some fancy vegan foods instead of punishing yourself. Every meal that you avoid animal products helps the earth. Keep doing your part.
No. Some substitutes for dairy and meat can be expensive but a wholesome diet of beans, rice, oatmeal, and a large range of lovely vegetables is just as cheap as any other diet.
Many restaurants have vegan options. If not, ask a server for their advice.
Don’t worry. We have plenty of meat and cheese substitutes—identical in taste and texture if that’s what you’re after. Other substitutes, like plain tofu and soy, taste nothing like meat, which can be a good thing too! Let your taste buds run wild.
Talk to your doctor about it. Most medicines are tested on animals before humans but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take medicine. It’s easier to have a positive effect on the world if you are nice and healthy.
Yes. Lots of rescued animals in our society need humans to survive. Vegans should always rescue instead of adopting.